Superbob is out of the hospital!
Thanks to everyone who has been keeping him in their thoughts.
I am with him now, helping my mom with his 'round the clock care, and I'm so happy to be here.
He still has to go to the hospital every day, but the fact that he no longer resides in the hospital means he is getting better.
Tonight I sat at his feet and clipped his toenails for him, then massaged lotion into his dry and swollen feet and ankles.
I felt grace in the room.
Superbob has rescued me so many times from so many bad decisions and bad situations, and he's not the kind of guy who ever really lets anyone do anything for him, so to be able to help him a little felt very rare and wonderful.
Hey Andrea,
Sending healing thoughts to you and your family all the way to the left coast. Hope you can feel them.
Lori T
Hurrah! for the healthy return of SB!
I'm sure he felt it too. Hugs to you - glad you can be with them.
That is so lovely! How good he and your mom must have felt having you there.
Hi A,
Just reading this now - I've been a bit out of it lately. Hope you are well - and glad to hear that your dad is on the mend.
i think it's a true sign of love when you cut someone's toenails...someone little, someone big, someone young, someone ill, someone old. it's especially important for superbob, i think, because it'll keep him from getting a run in his tights when he puts on his superhero outfit....
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