Yes, it's been two-and-a-half months.
Frankly, I was having too much fun to think about being adopted; I went on a beach vacation to the Outer Banks, backpacking in the high sierra with good friends, visiting family and friends in California, and camping in the sand dunes in southern Oregon with my son and husband. It was a really, really good vacation. And then we came back to crazy busy September, during which all three of us went "back to school." So I'm just now lifting my head out above water to take a breath and say hello to you.
Thank you for your continued interest in my blog, dear reader! Knowing you're out there helps me collect and articulate my ideas in a way I might not otherwise do. Please keep reading!
And now, for a moment of joy:

Play time over and back to school? Never mind all things in season.
I like the idea of cyber-hibernation happening in the summertime. I'm looking forward to your wintertime blogging!
For a super funny/sad art project about cyber-hibernation, check out http://www.coryarcangel.com/2010/08/sorry-i-havnt-posted/
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