Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Shameless Self-Promotion

I'm co-teaching a free, one-afternoon writing workshop about adoption here in Philadelphia soon, and there's room for a few more participants, so if you're interested, please read on and sign up! I'd love to meet local readers who are touched by adoption. It's free, people!

Voices of Adoption

This one-day workshop is for anyone touched by adoption who wishes to explore her or his stories through creative writing. In a relaxed and supportive environment, the instructors will guide students through writing prompts, sharing of work, giving and receiving of constructive feedback, and discussion of the writing process and adoption-related topics.

WHEN: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 1-3pm

WHERE: Big Blue Marble Bookstore, 3rd Floor Community Room, 551 Carpenter Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19119

COST: Free

To RSVP for Voices of Adoption, contact Andrea Ross at

Andrea Ross, M.A., was adopted in Colorado in the late 1960s. She has a Master's degree in creative writing, and has been teaching creative writing courses for all ages since 1992 through California Poets in the Schools and the University of California. A former wilderness guide, Andrea is especially interested in writing about the intersections between adoption, literature, and the environment. Since moving to Philadelphia recently, she has taught writing at La Salle University and The Morris Arboretum.

Betsy Self Elijah, M.F.A., was born in South Korea and adopted by a Caucasian family in the 1970s. With an MFA in Creative Writing: Memoir and Creative Nonfiction, Betsy serves as nonfiction editor for Quay, a literary journal, and has taught personal narrative writing workshops in the Philadelphia public school system, Free Library of Philadelphia, Asian Arts Initiative, Pan African Studies Community Education Program at Temple University, and Mt. Airy Learning Tree. Betsy works as a Reading and Writing Specialist for Community College of Philadelphia and as a freelance writer for the Chestnut Hill Local.


Kateri said...

This sounds so interesting! I would be there except I'll be out of town this weekend. Do you think you'll do another in the future?


Andrea said...

Hi, Kateri:
Sorry you couldn't make it. It was great (see my subsequent post about it). And yes, I'll be teaching another one, through Mount Airy Learning Tree ( in March 2009. Hope you can join me!
Let me know if you need more info.
best wishes,

vcmcguire said...

Andrea, you look like your son in this picture!